Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday Night & Headed to Bed

The day started off with temperatures in the mid-50s and steady rain. It quickly became very windy and quite cold with the occasional snow-fluffy seen streaking by.

It made for a long day at work. After working the Friday overnight on only 2 hours of sleep followed by watching the gang o' five until 4pm yesterday while the kids shopped, I was pretty well burnt-out come 7pm tonight.

Still no hi/bye/thinking of you/fuck off/miss you/couldn't care less if you died from Hindolo. And Joni says I should email him a Christmas card anyway. Yeah. I'll get right on that.

I need to head to bed. I'm watching the kidniks tomorrow. That should be fun. I balked at the prospect of shopping tonight in the cold and was simply too exhausted to do it yesterday when relieved of the children. So, I will be headed to the fabric store with 5 children in tow on Christmas Eve day. Oh, what a blog that will make.

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