Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Rant in A Minor

I could have done with a couple of more hours of sleep. Nonetheless, I'm vertical now. Deal with it.

Slightly fumed that assholemonkeyboy didn’t even bother to ring the phone and wake me to say goodbye before hopping a flight to Yerp.

My friend, Al, confused my noncaffeinated brain with that one earlier.

I am caffeinated and on a bent.

You know, some people’s children never cease to amaze me. OK, amazed may not be exactly the effect I’m going for here. hmmmm… Leave me walking away shaking my head in utter disgust and revulsion? Thinking they should be thankful that breathing is an autonomic brain function? Wondering who was supposed to be watching the shallow end of the gene pool?/Have me convicted that there is a valid reason cousins are not allowed to marry?

Are you getting the drift of where I was headed with that thought?

Genny's shelter has a website now. It launched the other day. I made it there the first day it was up. Being that I am usually six months behind in whatever it is that I am surfing for, it was a landmark day in my internet experience.

There was a notification on the website for the 2007 Homeless Memorial Service. It stated that the service was to be conducted by a Reverend (male name) and Minister (female name). I asked Genny if the lady minister was the very cool lady pastor she had told me about. She said that it was not her but was a friend of the male Reverend. (The male reverend is the pastor of the big church who doesn't "get it.") She said they are all very into introducing themselves with titles. Being me, I asked if when I meet them, am I allowed to introduce myself as Sycophant Karma Dogma? That had Genny rolling.

Of course, I used my real name rather than KD. You all do not get my full real name. You know too much shit about me as it is. You pretty much know everything except my name and the color and style of the panties I'm wearing. Given the right mood, it is possible I would endow you with that lil tidbit of TMI as well. So, for inquiring minds in the TMI department, suffice it to say that my panties are bra are generally colorful but rarely matched.

And, according to some blurb that I came across while surfing, the y-chromosome types rate that look in lingerie a 7/10. Being that no look scored higher than 8/10, I'll take it. LOL The internet is much like 3D reality - lots of banality, a few gems.

I talked with Seth briefly this morning. He was on a bent about stupid people. (Must be one of those days.) He was glad to hear that I was coming to the Philly area. He said he would introduce me to all of his artsy friends. In the interim, I told him to direct all of his artsy friends to

The Stasi are already here.

I'm off to forage for some food. More later.

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