Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday Morning

I am having a cafe mocha and wishing I could still be in bed. I did sleep well last night and was awake before my alarm went off this morning. The Monday morning saga was no clean uniforms for the princess, and her dawdling around so long that she didn't have time for a shower. (I hate my daughter more than not these days.) The little boys slept late, and my arthritis was very painful so I asked Pam if she could take the kids to school. The battery in her van was dead, so she drove them in mine. Amanda had also not called the babysitter to see if she would watch the boys today. Why do I bother to ask her to do anything.

I'm exhausted. Worn down from the weekend of changes in shifts and sleeping patterns. More of the same in store for the upcoming weekend with the overnight shift scheduled for Friday. Then comes the week of the five 12-hours shifts - three days and two nights. Can you say "insanity?"

As far as that guy goes, I am still thinking hard about that one.

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