Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Official 2007 Christmas Letter

TO: Friends, Family, Extraterrestrial Intelligent Entities, Charismatic Evangelicals, Devotees of Anime, Double-espresso Drinkers, Knitters for Political and Social Change

RE: All the news from my reality that isn't

Salutations and such -

As I am sitting here with the non-Maoist Cultural Revolution Gang of Five and taking a break from finishing the last three-and-a-half inches of the turtleneck on my Christmas sweater, I pause to reflect on events of questionable relevance from the last year.

I missed, without regret, much of the celluloid schlock and all of the banal television broadcasts of the preceding 12 months.

I spent way too much time at work and way too much time with my grand kids. A myriad of advantages and disadvantages to both scenarios.

2007 was the year of disarray. If it was possible to be messed up, it was. If it was possible for it to be broken, it happened. Procrastination was the order of the day. Money went faster than it came.

Social blogging networks were the new prevailing distraction this year. I finally got around to doing a bit of something with my MySpace and Multiply pages. I still post to del.icio.us on occasion. Stumble Upon just didn't do it for me. I have yet to peruse Digg. (I feel I need to leave something for the new year.) I think I'm also on Facebook and Tagged. I gave up my memberships for the Pogo game site and don't miss it at all after it having been an internet staple for nearly 6 years. I gave up a couple of internet forums and joined a few more. Other than a couple of friends, I have completely disassociated myself with all people and things relating to The Way International.

I reconnected with some old friends and acquired some new friends. There are still a couple of friends that I need to reconnect with. And, I really need to quit being such a lazy ass and find a couple of people from years gone by.

The last time we were all together as a family was at my dad's funeral. Today we will be all together with my mom's new boyfriend.

I have met my soul mate, and he makes me crazy to the very depths of my soul.

My daughters are my daughters. In some ways consistency is good; in other ways it serves merely to make me wish I lived further away.

The summary of all that is that isn't is complete.

Wishing you a cool yule & a great 2008!

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