It is Wednesday morning. Awoke to the German Shepherd girl doing the "most happy dance." I opened the door to evidence the reason for the dance - snow, about four inches of that white stuff covering everything in sight.
Yesterday ended up being not such a good day after the fall. I was in bed well before 9pm.
No bruises had appeared yesterday, other than to my right ankle. This morning, there is a pretty nasty one across my low back. My arms and hands remain very sore and the position changes from standing and sitting are a serious challenge. Red marks still across my upper back and upper arm so there is still a possibility of bruises appearing.
I think my household chores are going to be limited to schlepping laundry. I was planning on re-arranging some furniture and cleaning the basement. Not likely.
It is eleven months until the next presidential election. The idiocy has not yet begun in earnest.
Hillary waffles on every issue in order to try and appear everything to everyone. Obama's biggest liabilites remain that he is a black man with an unusual name. Just can't see that flying in the heartland. You know why they call this the heartland, right? .... because the brain isn't here. Being an Arizonan and generally leaning towards the conservative side of things (at least upon initial investigation of a subject; views subject to alteration once more facts are accumulated), I do like John McCain. I think he is a great senator. I don't want him for president. His views on seeing this un-winable war to the end are directly responsible for that. I will not, in good conscience vote for anyone who thinks it a good idea to continue to suck the life-blood out of our nation's economy and kill part-time soldiers for oil. Besides, corporate America is already doing a more than satisfactory job of sucking the life-blood from our economy... and allowing the poisoning of our children and our pets in the process.
Of course, when it comes to ending the war, the democratic congress promised great things when they were elected in 2006. You see how much has not been done.
I am still in favor of the line-item veto. I am in favor of term limits. I concur with Kurt Vonnegut's assessment that we need to fix that flaw in the U.S. Constitution whereby it seems that only the nuts want to be president.
Romney promised a whole bunch of shit in order to be elected governor, was elected, and then discovered that people did expect him to DO something. Nothing about Rudy Giuliani makes him stand out from the crowd. Dennis Kucinich is part of the entrenched system as well.
I still haven't checked out Ron Paul, I will confess. The vast majority of people that I have seen "debating" about Ron Paul in various popular/social internet venues still can't determine what "libertarian" stands for. Does their espousement of "free-market economy" mean that they feel it's ok for Nike (substitute any other large corporation) to be exploiting third-world workers for the sake of profit?
John Edwards is "Gore Lite." Similar views, less the cahones. Though I will state, once again, I was very, very disappointed that Gore compromised his principles to get on the ticket with Billy. John Edwards, like many of the other candidates, exemplifies what is wrong with the current system. There are no original ideas, no thought, no innovation.
This is so shaping up to be a Same Shit Different Day presidential bid.
I have begun to wonder (since the days of Reaganomics if the truth be told) if we would not be better off under a parliamentary system of government. Not much would change about our legislative process, but we would certainly be able to get the fucking nimrods out with greater ease. Of course, the system is certainly opposed to that sort of thinking.
Until then, CTHULHU FOR PRESIDENT!! Why settle for the lesser evil?
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