It has been a lazy day. The continued snowfall has trickled to a minimum, which is good. I cannot shovel what has already fallen. As I am scheduled to work tomorrow evening and over night on Friday, I am hoping the pain and the stiffness dissipate rapidly over the next 24 hours. I do not want to call off for a couple of reasons. This is the last check before Christmas. If I do not call off this month, I lose an attendance point off of my total. I had lost one for September and one for October. Gained one back behind the abscessed tooth in November. Having gone to contingent status, this is the only way I have of losing points.
I did put a small load of socks and underwear in to wash. I couldn't manage to carry anything other than a small basket. If I can do one small load tomorrow and again on Friday, I will be good to go through the weekend. Gotta love the logistical changes necessitated by a bad fall.
The sidewalks were shoveled by Michael and Isaiah. My daughter informed Michael that he would be shoveling them when he got home from work. They are salted as well. The temperature wasn't too bad earlier, but it is falling steadily. Around 23 now with the wind chill at 15. Looking at a low of 14 that will have the wind chill in the single digits.
I hope the shelter workers are out rounding folks up. Genny told me earlier in the week that they had had their first "Code Blue" and rounded up 20+ additional folks. I am not certain what the contingency plans are here now that the Open Shelter is no more. Faith Mission used to be very reluctant to take any additional people. The Volunteers of America shelter would take additional people, if they had they room. Without the Open Shelter, the VOA is always running at capacity and turning people away. Guess I need to make phone calls to the Community Shelter Bored and the County Commissioners tomorrow and inquire.
I found a warehouse. It's absolutely huge! I like it. I don't know if the owner would be willing to part with it or not. Doesn't hurt to ask. It's about a block and a half from the house. It is vacant. I still like the one over on Gift Street that is two story but currently being used as storage and owned by a company outside the city. The one on Gift would certainly be closer to what is being rehabbed into an arts district on this side of the river, but distance can have benefits as well. The size of the one up the street from my house is nearly twice the size of the one on Gift St and is single story. There is no parking, not even on the street. However, there is a condemned house right next door... Trust me, this would not be paving paradise to put up a parking lot.
I think I'm going to close this here and take a hot bath to bake some of the pain and stiffness (at least momentarily) out of my back.
Hey, how did all that snow get only on the van and building doors, LOL. How is my attempt at being blonde??
Pretty good for a first attempt! I'll send you a rowboat for Christmas and you should be all set. LOL
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