We got the first dusting of snow mixed with some freezing rain this afternoon. I guess that means that winter has arrived once again.
I so wish I were home in Tucson.
Got the $354.81 nasty-gram from the electric company. I had just paid $150 on Friday, so that leaves just over $200 due by January 2nd. That is do-able. Even with Christmas coming, I'll have two checks between now and then.
I was headed to bed and realized that the hound had not been egressed yet. She had balked at going out when I got in from work and she noticed that I was carrying, OK dragging, the 40 pound bag of dog food through the door. I put her out, and saw my daughter's tom cat, Maxwell, on the front porch. I put some food in his bowl and gave him a pet. He has gotten absolutely huge!
I nearly had an accident while driving in to work this afternoon. Someone pulled out blindly from an alley right in front of me. Luckily there was no on-coming traffic, and I was able to swerve into the opposite lane to avoid slamming right into the side of the car. However, I swerved so quickly that it wrenched my lower back and pinched the sciatic nerve on the left side. My leg has been numb and burning since. Just when I thought I was going to be able to give up the Neurontin habit... Guess that particular injury is going to be one that will plague me off-and-on for years to come.
The dog is back inside. It's 1am. I need to get horizontal. Work tomorrow morning. Then, coming home to clean house, move furniture, tear up carpet, hang drapes... Gotta love being me some days.
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