Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Back for Another Round aka I Hope My Pain Medicine Works Soon

The wiring in my house gets a C+ for functionality but a A- for creativity. I had taken a space heater to the bathroom earlier so that it would be oh so toasty and sauna-like in there for my bath. When I went upstairs, I found that the circuit breaker had popped. Lovely.

Down to the basement, snag an extension cord on my way back upstairs (an industrial heavy-duty one, OK), plugged the heater into the outlet in my bedroom that is on the wall that borders the hallway, and set about re-warming the bathroom.

I had forgotten about the bathroom (and studio and bedroom) being wired on one circuit. This particular circuit includes the outlet on the wall just inside my studio door (comes across the stairway to the bathroom), the vanity lights above my sink, the outlet (ground fault interrupted, mind you) next to the sink, the outlet on the wall that is the outside wall of the house (traverses on around behind the tub enclosure), and ends with the wall outlet on my bedroom wall that is common with the bathroom.

Whomever happened to wire this particular circuit had some serious issues.

It is for this reason that I keep plenty of 9-volt batteries for not only my smoke detectors but for the battery back-up on my alarm clock that I have no choice other than to have plugged into that outlet.

It was during round two of warming the bathroom that I posted the YouTube classic "Where the Hell is Matt?" video to the blog. That video has been viewed over 8.4 million times on YouTube. Who knows how many times it has been forwarded and posted to other places (blogs, MySpace, etc.) on the www.

I am clean, relaxed, and headed to bed shortly.

I did a revised bruise count while in the tub. Left foot - 2, right foot, right ankle, palm of right hand - 2 (How hard to you have to hit to bruise your palm, anyway?), inner aspect of right hand, right forearm, right upper arm, upper back, lower back - 2. It's beginning to look ugly on the posterior half of my body.

Talked to Brian tonight about working tomorrow evening. He's going to try and schedule three of us on because I'm banged-up. If not, I'll get the split of 4 rather than 5 apartments. I told him I just won't be able to do five with the way I'm feeling. Maureen won't be happy about that, but I generally take 5 when it is just the two of us working. Tomorrow, I need a bit of a break.

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