Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday Morning

Was planning on heading in to work this morning after I dropped Jonathan at the sitters. However, I have Trinity home sick today. Guess it's a good thing I brought home some stuff that I can work on here today.

Going contingent did mean losing my regular load of patient-related paperwork and assignments. It did not mean signing off on my administrative paperwork and duties. Funny how it works that way.

Saw a couple of more promising job leads in the paper yesterday. The VA job is still running #1, but I'm going to check out a couple of other places as well.

We are planning on having pizza at work next Sunday for that guy's birthday. It should be fun. I'll have to get a card for all of the guys who live in the apartment to sign for him. They all like him, and he likes them so it will be something special to him.

We were all giving Mark (one of the residents) a bad time yesterday at dinner. He wants to move out and go live with his sister in Alaska. Not a very realistic goal on his part, but I understand why he feels that way. Of course, in our singularly inappropriate way, we had to make him feel loved! LOL

Yesterday was Tom's birthday, so all of the guys were in a good mood. Birthday translates into something for dinner that doesn't suck! LOL Of course, the guys all had to join in on giving Mark a good-natured bad time as well. Lots of laughter at dinner. We even managed to get a couple of smiles and comments out of Dan, probably one of the most foul-natured residents on grounds.

I should probably get on this paperwork. This stack of papers isn't going to magically sort and revise itself.

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