Monday, October 29, 2007


I’m not really sure how to begin this entry. I haven't felt like blogging for a couple of days. Not since the 25th. That would have been my uncle's birthday and then my dad's birthday would have been on the 27th. And, Christmas is coming.

I went and stayed with the guy last night. This morning I asked if I was allowed to leave my toothbrush as he was no longer sharing a place with a roommate. I was told to make myself comfortable.

This was after the conversation of last night which sort of rocked my reality, in more than a few ways.

I'm not sure how we got to the subject, but I asked how it was that he came to be in the US. Out came the photos that are not in the album. Out came the story that I did not expect. A few other unexpected things were also said.

It all very much affirmed to me that he is a wonderful man with great character, great ambition, and the right motives. He is willing to sacrifice to do the right thing; he has sacrificed for doing the right thing.

My life is about to take another of those unexpected turns.

I am still trying to process and assimilate it all. If comprehension of the depth and weight of these things is taking a great measure of thought and time, how long will it be before expression and action will follow?

Decisions need to be made. Priorities need to be defined and perhaps redefined.

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