Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Insomnia once again... I wish I could figure out why it is that I so often find myself unable to sleep.

And here I am thinking of canceling my subscription to the Pogo game site. What else am I going to be doing at 3am when I cannot sleep?

Blogging is only a quasi-option at 3am. I need something truly mindless and mundane and repetitive to lull myself to sleep.

Went to the fabric store tonight. I found some very, very cool fabrics on sale for 50% off. I was even complimented by another customer at how well I did on finding masculine looking fabrics for the guy's apartment. I don't know that they're so much masculine as they are contemporary in color scheme. I think I did very, very well. I left the store with 39 different, mainly 1/2 yard, cuts of fabric and six black ceramic tea light holders for $102. That blank white expanse of sliding closet doors in the living room doesn't stand a chance! I'm thinking of going back for another six of the tea light holders.

I really did kinda want to hang out with the guy tonight. When he hadn't phoned by 6:30, I showered and went shopping and took myself out to dinner. It was an OK trade-off I suppose. Fabric shopping is my third favorite thing in the the whole world. LOL Now being diabetic, eating cheesecake has been forced further down the list.

Seems that the benadryl and the melatonin have finally begun to work.

It is 3:30. Now we shall see at how I am able to do with getting out of bed on roughly 3 and 1/2 hours of sleep.

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