You didn't think I was going to post my real pic right off the bat, did you? Geez. I hardly know you. I'm a 45 year old blonde, height and weight proportionate (if that makes you feel any better about things), with a twisted sense of humor and a "Morticia Addams" streak of grey hair at my temple. I haven't decided whether or not to color it or to cultivate it, lol. I can be a coffee snob if provoked and have Type-A personality tendencies under house arrest.
Enough about me... on to the drivel...
Gabe got his glasses last week. For those of you who didn't transfer with me from my former home, Gabe is my four-year-old grandson. He has a very rare (so rare they haven't isolated the genetic marker, a lot of doctors haven't heard of this, and only about 30 people in the world have been diagnosed with it) genetic growth disorder. He weighs all of 23 pounds, is 95 centimeters/36 inches tall, and wears a size 2 Toddler in clothes. He just graduated from the 18 month size clothes. His adult size will be about 130cm/4' 2" and about 85 pounds. I told my daughter we need to make him a jockey. He'll be rich, dating supermodels, and keeping grandma in a style to which she would like to become accustomed.
Of course, his glasses are the "coke bottle lenses." My daughter was crushed when the opthamologist told her that he would have to wear glasses for life, and that even with corrective lenses, his vision would still not be normal. It was the first tangible evidence, other than his size, that there are some complications associated with this disorder.
We weren't really sure how much of a difference corrective lenses would make in his vision. It didn't take us long to get the first clue. As we were driving home on the freeway skirting downtown, from the back seat of the van, "Look at those big buildings!" When he was watching Noggin the other day, I saw him react to the movements of the characters on the TV screen. That was new. And, when he was playing the Incredible Hulk on the Xbox, he would react to the cues to the button usage at the top of the screen, and his comment, "Hulk is really big! He has big boobs!" gave us a concrete idea as to just how much he had been missing out on seeing.
My older granddaughter has decided that she wants to learn how to knit. I am assuming she is as serious with the knitting as she is with piano lessons, i. e. not very. So, of course, her younger sister wanted me to show her how to knit as well. The novelty wore off quickly for the younger girl and when she began waving the needles around like epees, her lesson was over. At that point, my seven-year-old grandson with ADHD decided he wanted to try his hand at knitting. He did fairly well until he was distracted by the television. Gabe also expressed an interest in the process, but we do not allow him access to sharp objects.
It's away to bed with me now. The older I get, the earlier 4am seems to come.
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