Sunday, March 11, 2007


OK, geez... settings are acting wonky today. Gotta love it when the server hiccups. lol

Vision - the act of seeing something with the eyes; sensing or anticipating that which may come to be; an experience which, although not actually present, appears credible to the mind; a vivid, imaginative concept.... synonyms - faculty, perception, astuteness, conception, discernment, foresight, insight, perspective, retrospect, revelation...

... you get the idea.

Vision is an enigma in my reality. A quandry which has perplexed me since my early childhood. To the logical and rational left-brain, it makes no sense and should not be. To the right-brain, it presents various venues and avenues of exploration - some benign and others horrific in their implication.

Acknowledgement or denial... which would be the greater of sins?

In my formative years, there was a casual acceptance of how things were. Then, I became a part of a cult who used their interpretation of various scenarios and manifestations for manipulation and control to suit their own agenda. For many years, I closed my mind to what had always been an innate part of me. And, that part of me waned to near nonexistence.

It is approaching the 9 year anniversary of the disappearance of a young woman. A very few days after her disappearance, one of those visions with horrific implications came to me. Thanks to the years of conditioning and programming, I shut the door to my mind and refused to think about it.

A few weeks ago, for seemingly no reason at all, her disappearance came to my mind. I could not even remember this girl's name, but I could clearly recall what I had seen. I was unsettled greatly. I tried to close my mind to thoughts of her but my conscience would not comply.

I did an internet search for missing persons and was finally able to find her name and a single news article which chronicled her fate. Her body had been found just over two years ago. I had chills as I read the details surrounding where her body had been located. I closed my eyes to it, but the vision still was there, firmly seared into my mind's eye.

The family had some form of closure. Her body had been returned to them after so many years of knowing that she had to be dead not able to lay her to rest. Her murderer remains unidentified.

The quandry. There was another detail to the vision, a cemetery. The cemetery was not mentioned in the news article. The area where her body was found is quite rural and isolated, far from where she disappeared. It is, however, about 10 or 15 minutes from where I grew up and less than 5 minutes from where several members of my extended family lived. I know the area well.

It is not a large community cemetery. It is a small, old family cemetery. It is the connection to her killer.

Do I tell law enforcement? her family? post to the website? Just another of the "anonymous psychic nutballs" who proliferate in these types of cases.

The quandry.

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