Saturday, February 24, 2007

Catching Up

It has been a busy couple of weeks. The ice storm that pretty much crippled the area and ruined Valentine's Day business for many retailers kept us hopping at work to try and cover as many shifts as possible. Our department fared very well coverage-wise in comparison to some of the other departments. Before the end of the pay period, we received a memo from the Board of Trustees that we would receive bonuses for coming in during the inclement weather. Much to every one's dismay, the bonuses were not on our checks when we received them. The consensus was one of universal disappointment. If we weren't going to receive them on this check, we wished they would have stated that.

What was received with this check that caused even more distress and contention than not receiving the bonus money was the enclosure of the new attendance policy that takes effect 1 April. LOL... just realized that's April Fool's Day. (love the irony)

We've used a no-fault point system forever. However, you point out at 26 points. Very liberal. Annual rollover and overtime were methods of point reduction. All that has changed. You now point out at 15, and the only method of point reduction is perfect attendance for the month. I'd heard rumors of the new policy guidelines for a couple of weeks prior to its appearance and had made mental notes of which staff would be the most distressed. My notes were very correct. The intention of the new policy guideline is quite succinct and simple, come to work. Now if we can only implement some sort of system for the "do your job" part of the equation, we'd be set.

Out for now.

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