Wednesday, November 21, 2007

concurrent - #2

We will see how this goes... I have another "in progress" blog up on the other computer screen. I'm not sure in which order the computer will end up posting these.

I'm chilling with the grands. Three of them anyway. I was all for sending them to the sitter's, but my lovely daughter who gets to escape to the world of adult people on a daily basis, said to keep them home and have them pick up the messes they have made all over the house. The reward being the promise of gold dollars. Yeah, right... that will work... sure it will.

I did some shopping online this morning. 10 yards of African-inspired cotton quilting prints, and a yard of brown geometric upholstery fabric. The online company that I had shopped with had sent me a discount for 25% for any purchase over $35. Including shipping, 11 yards of fabric for about $30. I also spent about $30 on eBay for 29 packages of Myuki beads. Gotta love great deals.

This has been a very, very good shopping week. I ordered from Hancocks of Paducah earlier. I bought some cool cotton quilting prints and some Asian print sampler squares for Joni. She wants an Asian quilt and has no idea where to begin in order to have her aunt make one for her. So, I thought the squares would provide some cool inspiration. That whole huge order was less than $40. At the thrift store the other day, I found some sage velvet upholstery fabric. An absolutely HUGE, intact piece. I'm not sure how many yards there are, but for $4.99 it was not to be passed up! I found curtains - 54" x 84", sueded fabrics, one gold and one sage for the guy's apartment. Close out aisle at Big Lots - $5 for the sage one and $3.50 for the gold one! The green one was JC Penney and the gold Springmaid. good stuff!! Also at the thrift store, I bought two bags of mixed yarns for 90 cents each. There were two hanks of cotton/silk blend fingering weight yarn that retail for $10 each, a skein of green wool blend designer yarn, and several assorted balls of some semi-cool novelty yarn.

I am going to try and get some laundry done today. I'm not sure how that is going to go with "the crew" up and about and underfoot and doing what it is that they do.

I think I have about half a case of food poisoning. Amanda said no one else has gotten sick from the Arby's, but I'm thinking food poisoning versus another bout of the GI virus because I also have horrible indigestion as well. Being that was pretty much all that I ate yesterday... Oh well. At least I got the bad food rather than one of the kids getting it.

I relented and emailed the guy. I am such a sap. No resolve whatsoever when it comes to him. Damn it! As I stated in the blog that is pending on the other computer, I suppose I cannot be too upset with him over his diligence and single-mindedness to his studies. It isn't as if he didn't inform me that this is how he is. And, he is very apologetic for it when he sees me. Intellectually, I understood what I was signing on for. As far as my feelings go, I have to wonder if this is how it is going to be off and on throughout? Should I resign myself now that the answer will more than likely be yes and be determined to move ahead with that knowledge?

I am going to make some more coffee and get started with the laundry.

More later.

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