Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Can't Sleep

It would seem that insomnia has got it’s hold on me once again. I was sitting here at my desk earlier - sleepy and beginning to nod. I went to bed and proceeded to toss and turn for an hour. I have been back out of bed for an hour and it would seem that I am no closer to sleep. UGH! This is madness!

So, I am taking some melatonin and some benadryl in the hope that I will soon be able to sleep.

I did decide to cancel my subscription to the Pogo game site after all. I could not see paying the yearly fee which has been increased yet again. It is now $40 a year or something like $6 a month if you choose to pay monthly. Ridiculous. When the cost was $20 a year, it was fine. I wasn't happy went it went to $30 last year. At $40 a year, I will find something else to do with my time and my money.

For starters, Valdani hand-dyed cotton threads would be a better way to spend $40. Upholstery trims would also be better. Donating some groceries to the food pantry would probably be better still.

I have a couple of bids on eBay auctions that end shortly. 40 skeins of rayon embroidery floss and 48 skeins of DMC craft thread. I really should get some perle cottons at some point. My sewing projects were much simpler before I became addicted to hand embellishment. LOL I have been thinking of learning smocking. The foreknowledge that it takes about 2 days to mark and prepare 2 1/2 yards of fabric makes me a bit hesitant. However, it would give me something to do while waiting for that guy to not call.

Miss Piggy has fled from the insolent K.C. to the safe harbor of my lap. Nocturnal beasties! I have thought of acquiring another kitten (even if it's a "loaner") for the purpose of harassing K.C. but figured that the two of them would find it more fun to band together in the torture of Miss Piggy.

Less than 20 minutes remain on one auction, and I am getting drowsy. It would figure to work that way. Ah well, 2 1/2 hours remain on the second, so I am aware that it is a possibility that I will be awake for that one.

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