Friday, January 11, 2008

Some Things

I was, in theory, to have been rescued from having to work all night. Just go in and do the original 4 hours that I was originally scheduled to work. I did. I finally got out of there at 1:30am. Drama and an admission. That will do it every time.

I have decided to go ahead and take the night supervisor position. The biggest menace and the one responsible for most of the problems in the nursing department has given a two-week notice. Being that she will be suspended for her two scheduled shifts next week, she will not be back. I was finally able to nail her conclusively for a medication error. It has taken time and diligence, but I finally got undeniable proof that she failed to give ordered medications. I'm sure she will fall back to her tactic of a threatened lawsuit. Won't work this time. I also found another nurse had made the exact same medication error the following day. She was also written up. Can you say, "We're done with this."

I have ranted before about them not giving medications correctly. I will state again, I have been a nurse for nearly 19 years, and I still pass my medications according to the medication list. - Every time! Yes, we are all human, and we all make mistakes. However, if you pass medications following the correct procedures, it doesn't happen that often.

It is coming up on 3am. I have to get the kiddos up and off to school in the morning. I was going to send the boys to the sitter's again tomorrow, but Gabe has been so off the hook these last couple of days. I think I will have to suffer with fatigue and frustration and keep him home. Not looking forward to that, but I'm sure the sitter would like a break, too.

Time for some sleep.

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