Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Day Off... Wow!

I am just waking up (recovering from the Nyquil hangover) and getting a start on the morning. Albeit a slow start.

I have coffee now. Hopefully that will help. I have waded through 6 email accounts this morning. On to #7. And, Yahoo awaits.

What an adventure #7 turned out to be... I upgraded my Opera browser in the process of checking #7. I had configured Opera to read my email from my #2 email addy. Problem was, I had changed passwords a couple of months back. Could not get it to re-configure to accept the new password.... Then, in seriously blonde moment, I decided that I would configure Opera to read my #1 email account as well.... OYYYYYYYYY!! OUCHHHHHHHH!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!
Everything from eBay goes to my #1 email. Invoices, PayPal receipts, everything. Makes it easier to go through and audit to see how much I have spent for various accounting purposes. (And, it keeps the accountant daughter off my ass for the most part. The most important part. lol) So, Opera diligently loaded all 278 unread emails from my #1 email addy. Not all of them are from eBay, Al..... I have a couple of other email newsletter subscriptions to that account as well. Interesting stuff, but I don't always read every newsletter before I file it. I went back in to Opera's settings and deleted both email accounts. Guess I will just have to be content with multiple browsers open if I want to keep up to the minute tabs (no pun intended) on my oh-so-unimportant email. And still, the specter of the Yahoo account looms...

It is 50 degrees outside today. Means that the ground is slushy, mucky mud. In turn, the dogs are a wet, filthy mess.

One facet of the impending housecleaning agenda that got messed up was the failure to obtain the Space Bags from Wal-Mart last evening. What I did end up obtaining from Wal-Mart was a battery for Joni's car. There is nothing better than two women with jumper cables and a flashlight in the parking lot at 11pm on a Saturday night.

The Yahoo inbox has been purged.

I am tempted to clean in earnest, but I'm finding this cold has me coughing too much with anything more than minor exertion. I am taking the Robitussin and drinking lots of water, but it is not loosening up as much as I would like.

Got some things done. Think I'm going to knit, watch a movie, and contemplate dinner at some point.

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