Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Saturday Scenario

Good morning!

It is Saturday. I'm chilling with the grands while the parental units are working. I work later. Instead of going in at 11am, I will be going in at 3pm. Tomorrow, I will not be working at all. Both changes due to people adding themselves on the schedule after I had picked up the remaining hours. Works for me. Four fewer hours of running around in the cold today, and a day off tomorrow to clean my house! Yea! I have been wanting one of those. You know it's a sad state of affairs when I'm looking forward to cleaning house.

The grapevine has gotten wind of my having been offered the night supervisor position. One of the QMRPs congratulated me the other day. I asked how he had heard of it. From one of his staff, of course. LOL He said that the staff had been very positive about the news. I would imagine that the only people who would not be happy to hear that I have been offered the position are those same people who have problems with doing their jobs in the first place and would subsequently have a run-in with me about their job performance.

I'm a very straight-forward person. I operate from the simple philosophy learned in the Marine Corps. Everyone here is an adult. You know your job. Do your job. Period. It's not a hard concept. If you are unsure of what to do, I'm willing to help. I'm willing to mentor. I am always mentoring my staff. I believe that learning better ways to turn people with decreased mobility is just as important as learning more about the new medication or the new diagnosis that someone may have. I have a good rapport with the majority of my coworkers. The ones with whom I do not have a good rapport are those who simply refuse to "get it." They are few, thankfully. Generally, their days are numbered, but we have had a few who managed to keep slipping through the cracks way longer than they should have. A couple of nurses to be included in that statistic.

Just phoned work to make sure they knew I was coming at 3pm rather than 11am. The lights have been out for 2 minutes or so. Has me wondering what's up with the back-up generator, but it's OK. Brian is there. Jane is as well. Sounds like I'm missing the party. LOL

I took a couple of Nyquil capsules last night at 9:15 and went to bed about 9:30. I was dead to the world until I opened my eyes at 7:30am this morning. I am going to have to remember to set my alarm clock if I take that stuff. I figured there was no way I would have slept for 10 hours straight. Shows you what happens when I think....

My electronic thermostat has developed issues. I had not turned it back down to 68 before going to bed and left it set at 70. This morning, it read that it was set at 22. As far as I know, there is no Celsius option on it. I think a trip to Home Depot for a plain dial thermostat may be in order. I have had one of those electronic ones go bad before. On a cold January morning during a holiday weekend to boot. I think that will be a good errand for my son-in-law this afternoon. LOL

I have only had to referee a couple of minor skirmishes thus far this morning. Not bad. Far below average when you consider the "Gabe factor." Jonathan has become "very three-years-old" and prone to the screaming and crying hissy fits without obvious provocation. Add in Isaiah's ADHD and Trinity's princess affectations, and it will always make for an interesting time. My home life differs far too little from my work life.

On that depressing note, I'm off to crochet on this throw that I'm making for my son-in-law.

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