I was off the floor at 7:15 pm, clocked out at 7:30pm, home at 7:45.... YIPPEE!!! What a day!
The morning, as you know, started off with the brief entry I made after my shower. It was after that that things began to get interesting. I had asked my daughter to dig through her closet for a pair of "fat jeans" for me because all my clothes need washed. (I never made it to do laundry Saturday as I got called in to work.) I grabbed a to-go coffee cup and ran next door for jeans and some fresh brewed coffee before heading out to work.
The jeans she had found where those tight-fitting ones with the bit of spandex in them so they h-u-u-u-u-g all of your curves, flared leg, low-rise. omg! Just what you want to send your 46 year old mother off to work in for sure. But, they were clean, and thankfully, I had put on a pair of bikini panties this morning. (Lucky Break of the Day #1)
I made it to work without getting behind one single moron driving 25 mph. (Lucky Break #2) Two of the five homes I was assigned were my own, for a change. (Lucky Break #3) The weather was compliant today, so everyone had gone to work for the first time in a week. (#4)
We have one gentleman who brings around "the news" (the horoscopes) every day. Mine was pretty fitting to my cynical wit for a change, and I really want to look online and see if I can find it and put it here. It was very funny. (#5)
My med passes went smoothly without one single untoward event. (#6) Not one incident report was called to me today (#7) I got out of work on time, which NEVER happens in my world. (#8)
I made the drive home without getting behind one single moron driving 25 mph. (#9) I arrived home to an email that promised a phone call from that guy. (#10)
How lucky can one girl get on a Monday?
That was the quick, pertinent synopsis. As we know, it is the impertinent stuff which tends to reign supreme in my reality. Today was no exception.
About the hoochie-momma jeans that I wore to work today... omg! Every time I turned around, it seemed they were falling off of me. I couldn't bend over all day without feeling self-conscious. I got looks. I got comments. I got slapped on the ass by one of the gay girls. (She's my evil twin, so it's OK. She made me promise to wash these and wear them to work again Saturday so she can see the reaction of one of the guys who tells me I'm not allowed to lose weight because he likes to look at my butt the way it is. She wants to hear what he has to say. LMAO I am so gonna have to do that just for shits and grins.)
The weekday staff haven't seen me since I cut my hair, so more than a few people were wondering who was the girl with the short hair and the shades and the curves out running around the grounds. So very unlike me, I'm telling you.
My feet made it through the day OK. They haven't swollen again, thankfully. My boss and the other nurses were as dumbfounded as I as to any possible cause or reason for why it occurred, but there is no denying the bruising and small cuts across the top of my feet and the blisters on my heels. They just looked at my feet and shook their heads, much the way I did when it happened so suddenly Saturday night.
Can't seem to locate the correct syndicated horoscope for today. Rats. I had a pretty good improvisational monologue going as I was reading it aloud this morning. It ended up being a very funny bit.
Met the new IT guy at work. That's "I" "T" not "it." He was sorta cute, though, in a geeky kinda way. Then again, I do have that attraction to geeks. With my daughter, it's the trash-factor, with me, it's the geek-factor. And, I got to explain to him in detail, up-close and personal-like, just what the problem with the computer was last night when it failed to load for me. I was most helpful, it seems. Glad I stopped to put on my makeup BEFORE I went to work this morning.
All-in-all, it was a pretty good day. Except for this last few minutes when my daughter dropped in. She stopped by the elementary school this morning to meet the new principal and found out there is a meeting tomorrow morning at 8:30am that she would like to attend. This means that I have to be at her house around 7:30 on my day off. Oh well.
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