Monday, August 27, 2007

A Girl's Gotta Do.....

Amanda starts her first day on the full-time job tomorrow morning. I'll have all five of the grands. We were planning on sending the little three to the sitters and having the older two help me with some cleaning around the house, but the baby is sick. Feeling better this evening, Amanda said, but we're going to keep him (and anyone who may have been exposed to the "whatever kinda krud this could be") away from other people.

The man went home tonight to study for finals tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday. He didn't get a chance to study much today, so he decided that he needed to study rather than see me. Which is fine. He needs to take care of the priority. I'm not going anywhere. Not that I know of, anyway.

We kinda got to see each other Saturday night. We went to Joni's birthday party (in separate vehicles) after work. The plan was that we were all going to stay for just a short time because we all had to work this morning. When he was ready to leave, he found me and told me he was leaving. I wasn't quite ready to go yet, but I figured I'd leave to make sure he got back to known routes and roads. Joni told me that he had been to Shemm's before, so with following Shemm, he should be able to get back OK. That was good enough for me, so I decided to stay a bit longer.

I missed his call at 10:45 but returned it a few minutes later. He wanted me to come over. Five minutes or so later, he called back. Having realized what time it was and that we had to work in the morning, he decided maybe we'd just forgo seeing each other until possibly tonight, depending upon how things went. That was fine by me.

And we already know how that scenario played out. LOL

But, he's going to call me tomorrow when he gets in after his exams.

The birthday party was fun. Everyone was pretty well bent by the time we had arrived and everyone had left within 45 minutes or so after we had gotten there. The pool was really nice - no kids & no malicious co-workers to blab that I decided to go nekkie into the pool. Only Joni and Chris were there. Chris is gay so could not care less about naked women climbing into the pool. And Joni is my friend and pretty much ordered me into the pool. As I had to re-dress and drive home, skinny dipping was the preferred option to going swimming in my bra and panties.

When I talked to my boss tonight and told him about the party, I told him that Chris invited me back out saying I could come swim naked in his pool anytime. LOL My boss was glad that someone from the department was carrying on the requisite tradition of taking their clothes off at parties as he's the boss and can't do it anymore. He told me I'm allowed to wear that mantle for 18 minutes. LMAO

Being that Joni had consumed about 6 to 8 beers, she said she didn't think to get the camera and get nekkie pics of me in the pool. I told her that as it was her birthday, I would offer to pose for nekkie pics. LOL She missed my comment, so Chris's ex, Billy, repeated my offer to her. We had a good laugh.

It was fun, just the four of us hanging out and goofing in the pool and talking.

I made Chris give me a tour of the house. He's got a nice place. The decorating style is very "him." I liked the fact that he hadn't bothered to dust the glass coffee table in the living room before the party. LOL Very "come as you are and take it as it is." I can relate to that attitude.

When I talked to the guy before quitting time tonight, I told him I'd be gone by 7:30 or so and to call me when he got off work. I came home, climbed in to the bath tub with the nice smelling moisturizing bubble bath and soaked. I pulled out the pumice stone and did my heels and then shaved. (I had forgotten how annoying this having a man and shaving every day thing can get. My underarms are in rebellion. Ouch!)

My boss called while I was soaking in the tub. We had been talking for a few minutes when the man called. I told him I'd call him back, and I did. I got dressed and we talked for a while longer. I let the moisturizing oils stay on my skin for a while. Then, I showered with the moisturizing shower gel, applied the creamy moisturizing oil, did the chemical facial peel, applied the skin regenerating serum, and then the revitalizing moisturizer and eye cream. Geez. What a regimen.

Carol worked with Ken and me today. I was happy to see her car when I pulled into the parking lot this morning. I work such odd hours, I don't get to see Carol very often. This afternoon in the office, I pulled out the Olay premoistened facial cleansing and moisturizing cloth, removed my makeup, and then reapplied it. Carol asked why I was re-doing my makeup. I told her it was to try and cover some of what it is that I see when I look in the mirror in the morning. She said she could well relate.

I've only lost 1/2 pound this week. Still, it's better than not losing anything. I'm really going to have to go back to the low-carb thing in earnest.

Time to get on to some other things. Sleep would be a good option, but I'm not quite wound-down yet. Maybe I'll try some bowling against the cheating computer.


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