Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Why am I not at work? The nurse who was supposed to be on vacation this week did not go, so if I had gone in, I would have been the fourth nurse. Not a good scenario when we're cutting back positions and trying to cut over-time for the staff right now. So, I'm going in at 4pm to finish up some routine stuff and hit the floor at 7pm and work until 11pm. Guess it's a good thing that I went in Saturday and Monday being as I'm losing 8 hours today. Just when I thought I may have a bit of extra money on this check. Oh well. Money isn't everything, but it sure does help out with some things.

Tomorrow is going to be designated at "get out of the house early and go do laundry and then come home and clean" day. I've procrastinated long enough on ripping up this carpet and some other major things that need to be done around here. Painting the trim in the kitchen may finally get done as well this week. I guess I'll see how it goes with the carpet first.

My son-in-law rolled in from work around noon. Lovely. He figured since he has to work Saturday, he would go ahead and come home early today. I'm not sure how he is expecting to pay for this washing machine that he wants to buy new so he can have it delivered and installed because he doesn't want to do have to install one versus buying one from a used appliance store or from Craig's List. That really isn't my problem. However, it stresses my daughter out terribly and then it becomes my problem. Oh, Santa Monica is sounding better.

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