Friday, June 15, 2007


I went to work for a short shift this afternoon. I wore another of my tops that I'd made myself for this summer and got orders for two hats and a request to look at some of my jewelry. It was payday, so I went to the bank after work and the teller at the bank liked my top as well and wants to check out the website when it's up next month. I guess the old saying that over-night success happens after years of hard work may just be true after all.

I sat down and started to work on some "product" for the site/for sale. I had to laugh because it never seems to fail...

I will start a project with something definite in mind. I'll get a ways into it and it will just seem boring or bland or not what I want at all. And, I'll get an idea.... Things start happening from that point, and I just roll with it. LOL

It generally turns out very well and better than I expected, so I guess I can't argue with my right-brained muse even though my left-brain believes her to be quite mad indeed. Please don't tell my left-brain that it's much more fun to make up the rules as you go along.

I'm having some serious "web issues" this morning with replies and confirmations and registrations. So, I think I'm going to go take a break.

1 comment:

Genny O said...

qprcxToo funny, I get you on that right brain/left brain thing. It applies to more than artistic ventures and is probably equally applicable to working with people. We are just masterful works of art aren't we? I start projects with something definite in mind too. Then, voila, I get an idea and coworkers and clients alike all go running and hiding. I can't argue with my right-brained muse either and so I just roll with her as well. Though she drives others quite mad, I am happy to give in to her wiles; she certainly keeps things interesting and others always guessing. My left brain has learned to act like she is in control, she deserves an emmy. lOL.