Monday, June 11, 2007


"It's just a 'thing,' as useless as a view from your window." - Maria Oldring

Isn't that just a great quote?

I surfed Maria's gallery and site this morning. By the time I was done surfing and had decided to use that quote, I was able to get the quote up correctly, but not go back to the site and get her name. Received a nasty-gram from Yahoo GeoCities that this site was temporarily unavailable because its data transfer limit had been exceeded. grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

It's ok though, I hate Yahell more than they hate me! LOL I do not, however, hold the record for depth of loathing and disdain of Yahoo. I believe that record is held by my friend, Al, a Mac user. It would seem that Yahoo is a most seriously Mac un-friendly realm; perhaps the most unfriendly save for Microsoft itself.

Maria is a bead artist and teacher. She lives in Moscow. I'll have to put a permalink up to her site once I am able to access it again. (I popped over there via an external link, so I don't have the addy in my browser, and for some reason, when I try and access the addy from the browsing history, I get the root directory.) Have I mentioned that Yahell and I hate each other?

~This public service rant has ceased, and we now return you to our regularly scheduled drivel.~

(I have learned that this site will not allow me to use code symbols to designate segues. Oh well.)

Isn't that just a superb quote, though? What is the value of a view from a window? What is the value of the perspective with which we view external things and events?

Just some things to ponder.

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