Thursday, August 21, 2008

Little Foxes

Gotta love those things in life that go wrong at the most inopportune of times. ~~sigh~~

The van had some post-son-in-shithead mechanical issues. Some money for parts and tools had it fixed yesterday. This morning, went to head to work.... turned the key in the ignition and was met by a loud ka-chunk (not good, methinks), turned the ignition off and tried it again.... loud squeal from a bearing and a rod knocking... (definitely not good), let it idle for a few minutes and it smoothed out, put it into drive with my foot still firmly on the brake - still running a bit rough and the bearing is ka-thunking but no rod tapping, pulled out of the parking spot.... Well, I made it around the block, fearing the rod was going to be thrown through the cylinder at any minute...

So, I'm waiting on Al to finish downloading some data and head in from the East Side in order to schlep me to the office for work.

Several phone calls back and forth to relevant parties, and I'm waiting...


The non-native English speaking quasiboyfriend of the daughter is still kinda on the scene. I should have included the (sic) after the quoted text message in my last post. LOL... think I'll go back and edit that in a bit.

The divorce from the above referenced son-in-shithead is finalized this evening at the lawyer's office. Gotta love it when you can pay your own judge to stop by and take care of things for you.

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