Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Status Quo

It is 20 minutes until shower & dash out the door to work time.

Some things have been bugging me lately. No, not having to spend some time every day at work with the change in my position. I knew that was coming. I still have a few more 7-day weeks to put in before things are together.

I now have to remember to charge and carry two cell phones. And, I thought life was traumatic when I forgot one and had to turn around in mid-drive and retrieve it. OK, most of the time, I didn't return for it. With a company cell, I have no choice now. Makes me wonder how I managed to survive 20+ years of adult life without a cell phone.

When I finally relented and started making my son-in-law the black, plush chenille throw that he has been bugging my daughter for a couple of years to make for him, she decides that she really IS going to divorce him. Her response was "to hell with him, it's mine now." Not really fair as I did promise it to him for a late birthday present. His birthday was in January, about 4 days after I had acquired the yarn. It is nearly done. I doubt I will have it finished before he moves out Friday, but it certainly will be finished by next week. Doesn't it just figure?

We have lost 10 or 12 staff in the last two weeks. Not entirely my doing, I swear! LOL I was a contributing factor in the attrition, I will admit. We had a couple of people no call-no show. One staff went out for break and never returned. We lost some due to attendance points. My direct contribution was the staff who left a client, who is on a modified texture & thickened liquids diet, eating unattended in the kitchen & went outside to smoke. Can you say, "DUH?" My presence is an indirect contribution. Rather than being caught asleep at work, we have had a serious increase in the number of call offs on the night shift - among staff and nurses. That's OK. If they don't "get gone" due to sleeping or failure to do their job, attendance points will get them. In either case, the end result is the same.

Time to jump in the shower and then roll out to work. More fun awaits! Med pass audits in the morning & organizing the filing cabinets for several long hours tonight..... yippee!!

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