Sunday, September 30, 2007

Can't Sleep... again

I really should be sleeping. I thought my medication was well on its way to making me drowsy, but that was not to be the case.

Here it is past 1:30am, and I am still wide awake.

It has been very cool during the nights. Down into the 40s and lower 50s. Nice for sleeping well, but it has the house a bit too cold for my liking. I'm not ready to submit and turn on the furnace. I have opted to break out the ceramic space heater.

I have the cat in my lap as I type this. She is not insistent on grooming me. No one is clean enough for Miss Piggy. She will even groom the dog. Heaven forbid if you attempt to pick up this cat. Touching her with your unwashed self will merit an intense grooming. It would seem that I spoke too soon. She has found fault with the condition of my left forearm and is seeking to remedy my uncleanliness. Weird damn cat!

I am sort of liking this contingent work schedule. I go in for a few hours but don't have the responsibilities and the headaches of all of the paperwork and reports and meetings. I cannot, however, live on what money I'm being paid. Finding something in the next couple of weeks is imperative. Even if it ends up being admin work through the temp service until I find something suitable. I'm not too proud to take a clerk job or something of that nature. You do what you have to do in order to pay the bills. I am not too keen at all about going back to waiting tables, but a hostess position would even do in the interim.

I'm seeming to do better with the Celexa at 40mg. I do feel more together, anyway. I suppose that is the first step. I'm seemingly not having all of the anxiety that I was having, but I'm still not managing to get as much done as I would like to be getting done. My thoughts are more together, though. I'm feeling like my "old self." That is a good thing because I really need to get back to work on my textile stuff. Christmas is nearly upon us, and I am seriously behind in seasonal merchandise. All merchandise, really. You can sell almost anything during the holiday season.

Before I start thinking too much about that subject, I think I'm going to close this here and try the bed. If I start thinking about everything that I should be doing/should have already had done, there will be no sleep for me until near dawn.

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