Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lately it occurs to me, what a long, strange trip it's been...

After an unplanned hiatus of nearly two years, I'm back.

Watching Coraline as a back-drop to facilitate the ordering of spectral thoughts and random observations. Could you ask for more than a story written by Neil Gaiman and brought to the screen by Tim Burton?

Heading back to Tucson in about six months. Hopefully, Hindolo is forever out of my life. Back doing private duty for special needs kiddos. The daughter has a good husband, and the children have a dad rather than a donor.

It is 5:50pm, I have taken my melatonin and 5-HTP. Need to be in bed by 7:30pm and asleep by 8pm so that I can roll my butt out of bed at 4am. I have dimmed the lights and need to close-out this and shut down the computer. Bri-light, bri-light - not good when trying to increase melatonin levels.

More in a couple of days - promise...

Back at this a bit sooner than expected.

Made it through rolling out of bed at 4am and working 12 1/2 hours without too much pain and strain. Speaking of pain, I need an Ultram. Needed one at about 10:30am as I was standing and bending at an awkward angle for quite a while. Could use a Flexeril as well, but it has been too cold to head out to the pharmacy.

Then, there is the matter of having to deal with the intern pharmacist... Oh my gosh...

Just because my ex-fiance turned thirty-six on his last birthday does not mean that I am a cougar. It means that, while I knew he was younger than I was, I had no idea exactly how many years younger. Had I known he was thirty-two years old when he asked me out, I would not have given him the time of day.

The intern pharmacist on the other hand... maybe 30. Maybe. And is absolutely blatant regarding his interest. It is so bad that my daughter has taken to referring to him as "your boyfriend." Of course he would be absolutely HOT!! Almost as hot as the 28 year old IT and fitness geek from last year... lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!!

(Why I have stopped dying my hair red.)

Still could use some Flexeril, though.

I will be in Tucson by August, so it will all be moot.

Hindolo did give it one final attempt, though. I am still baffled by it, so I try not to think about it. I was at the office working on a Saturday morning last September, and he phoned. I answered (why?) thinking it may have been something important. (His brother had not been doing well following a liver transplant.) He was rambling to me in his typical sort of incoherency. Something he said made me check my facebook page. He had finally accepted the friend request that I had sent him more than 18 months previously, when we were still together. The friend request that had been sent so long before that I was not able to cancel it. He remained a friend for about 2 weeks, phoned me one Thursday evening rambling about someone hacking his account; he had disappeared from my friend list. It was late, and I was tired; I didn't think any more of it. On Friday, it occurred to me what he had done. I checked, his page was fine. He had just un-friended me after stalking my page to see if I was talking to any men. I sent him an acerbic text message and have not heard from him since. As it has been nearly five months, I am hopeful that he has vanished into a void of his choosing.

Going home to Tucson.

I should have the rental application for the apartment building in hand next week. The company that I am working for has an office in Tucson. That would be the chief reason that I opted for going to work for this company.

Planning ahead and making lists. Only in my neurotic world does it make sense.

The Ultram and the Atarax are starting to work.

Time to publish and perish....

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